Cycle Training for Children
Learning to ride in the community

Holiday Learn to Ride sessions
We run FREE Beginners Learn to Ride sessions in multiple locations in most of the school holidays. Our next sessions are planned for Easter, 2025. The booking link will be on this page nearer the time.
These are fun, relaxed lessons for children who'd like to learn how to ride their bike without stabilisers. This session is for those who can't ride at all or who are still very wobbly when trying to ride without support.​
Open to ages 5 years and upwards, group sizes will be kept small, so everyone gets the maximum benefit from the session. (Please be aware though, there will be up to a maximum of 3 children per instructor, these aren't one to one lessons).
You can bring along your child's pedal bike (without stabilisers), but helmets, balance bikes and lots of spare bikes will be available for all to use.
It's up to you whether you stay at the session or not. From past experience however, we find that children tend to make much better progress when parents don't stay.
Cost: FREE
Session length: 1 hour
Venue: Various

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