Bikeability is the all new cycling training scheme for the 21st century.
Many adults will remember doing their Cycling Proficiency Test and realise that cycling is healthy and fun but know it’s also necessary to learn how to do it safely. As children get older a bicycle becomes not just a toy but a mode of transport and an opportunity to be independent. Many people are not aware that it is illegal to cycle on the pavement and Bikeability is designed to introduce and educate cyclists how best to cycle safely and confidently on today’s roads. Bikeability will equip your child with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to cycle safely throughout the rest of their life.
Can you remember doing your Cycling Proficiency?
Information for Parents

Can anyone do the training?
Your child will need some basic cycling skills in order to take part in the training. At the start of the training we expect the children to be able to:
Get on and off the bike
Start off and pedal
Stop under control
Manoeuvre around obstacles
Look around without excessive wobbling
Signal right and left (by taking that hand off the handlebars) without excessive wobbling
If your child cannot cycle this well, then it may be possible to arrange for some preliminary training. Please contact your school as soon as possible to discuss this.
Is my child's bike suitable for training?
The cycle training can be done on any sort of bike so long as it is roadworthy and has two brakes. Click here to view some quick & easy checks you can do to ensure your child’s bike is safe.
What if my child doesn't have a bike?
They can borrow one of ours!
It is better if children ride their own bikes; they'll be comfortable on it and are used to how it feels. However, not everyone has access to a bike so we are happy to bring ours so everyone can take part. The consent form you'll receive from your child's class teacher will include a "Can I borrow a bike?" box. Tick it and we'll make sure there will be one available for your child.
What should children wear/bring on training days?
The course will take place in all but the most severe of weather so you should ensure that your child has warm and waterproof clothing especially gloves in the winter months. During the warm summer months please make sure your child has some sunscreen. We suggest that girls wear trousers, or tracksuit bottoms when training.
What are the benefits of cycle training?
More children cycling, more safely and more often has huge benefits. It will lead to improved health and fitness, reduced congestion and pollution and hopefully even more Olympic champions!
As parents, our natural instinct is to protect our children from any risks and danger. Like most things in life, cycling is not risk free but fortunately serious accidents are extremely rare. Any risks associated with cycling are far outweighed by the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle. Cycling can help to combat the rising levels of childhood obesity and help establish the activity habit for later life.
Cycling also helps children develop a sense of responsibility and independence. Knowing your kids can cycle safely means that you can send them off on a bike ride during the school holidays to give you some peace and quiet!
Bikeability will equip your child with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to cycle safely throughout the rest of their life. And once they’ve learnt how to ride their bike and ride it safely, they will never forget.